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Dr Jonn Randel & Beyond Yours Wellness: Introducing The Chief Formulator
Jonn's philosophy is that we are what we believe, think, act, say, eat and do. Many people have written about one aspect of these truths; however Jonn is unique in combining all these truths into one integrated philosophy. From the early age of nineteen, Jonn set out to discover the truths, both ancient and modern, of how we can live a healthy life. Jonn noticed during his high school and early university years that many people were waiting to fulfill their dreams. They seemed to think that if they simply did what seemed practical and responsible at the time, perhaps one day when they retired, they could focus on what they really wanted to do. For Jonn, this did not seem like a good blueprint for life. So he set out to find answers on how anyone can achieve their maximum potential through ancient and modern wellness secrets.
When Jonn's mother died when he was 22 he noticed his mother and father did not fulfill their dreams to travel together in retirement. His father, who was a UN executive, lost his memory in his later years. Also, Jonn saw many other people that lose their energy and/or will to fulfill their dreams by the time they reached their sixties. This led him to think that perhaps we should maintain a balanced wellness lifestyle throughout our lives so that we can not only fulfill our dreams, but have enough energy to help others along the way.
To achieve his ambitious goal of empowering others to fulfill their dreams, Jonn allied himself with many of the world's best innovators in the health and wellness field, and has never stopped studying, testing, refining and improving his acclaimed concepts, products and formulas.
Jonn Randel was born in Munich, Germany in 1951. His father worked for the United Nations, which resulted in Jonn moving to Japan when he was 3 years old. He completed high school near Niagara Falls, Canada and began studying natural medicine in 1971. His first mentor and teacher was a well-known author by the name of John H. Tobe, who lived near Niagara Falls. Mr. Tobe had an organic farm where Jonn purchased organic food. Tobe was the first person and author that Jonn knew who predicted the use of chemicals in food would result in cancer and other diseases, as a result of lowered immunity and greater environmental challenges to health.
Jonn went to university in Canada, the United States, Spain and Switzerland, and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Natural Science. He later received a work study doctorate in natural medicine. During his studies in the United States, Jonn met author Harold Bloomfield and Dr. Keith Wallace, who had a PhD in physiology. Jonn learned from both teachers how the mind influences the body. As a result of Jonn's wellness courses, he was often written about in the local newspapers of the Niagara region. He also appeared on T.V. in both Canada and the U.S .His growing reputation as a speaker and seminar leader led to his teaching mind body seminars to the Niagara regional teacher's association.
From 1973 onwards, Jonn studied and lived the ideals of a healthy lifestyle and taught these concepts in the form of evening seminars, daily exercise programs and weekend retreats. He also began to travel internationally to Spain, Switzerland and the U.S. to further his studies. In 1977, Jonn traveled to Mill Valley, California, to work as vice president under Dr. Scott Treadway for the new whole food supplements company Golden Epoch. After moving to Vancouver, BC in 1978, Jonn worked for Barry Carlsen, for the emerging wellness product company Quest Vitamins.
He had hoped to import whole food supplements from the U.S. but he was told by Health Canada that these products would never be approved.
1979, Jonn was inspired enough to start his own company and within a year, his son Kryshan was born, in 1980. After months of research, Jonn recognized that the science of aromatherapy had not yet been introduced to health food stores in Canada, so he began importing and distributing essential oils. As the oils were for external use, Health Canada did not seem to mind. Jonn also studied the use of aromatherapy, and began to use the relevant oils in his own wellness lifestyle. He uses these oils today in his skin care treatments, and has advised many companies on their essential oil needs.
Jonn started his business with no capital or family support. His experience in the wellness industry had mostly been in teaching and studying holistic health concepts. Despite these limitations, he believed in the power of thought, belief, action and prayer and courageously set out to start a business, family and buy a house all in one year. Looking back, Jonn thinks it was a miracle he was able to do this.
The 1980's were a time of study and experience of creating innovative natural products. His creation of the amino acid formulas in 1983 led Jonn to take nutritional science courses with Dr. John Black in Vancouver to futher his knowledge of the emerging nutraceutical product market. During these years Jonn travelled throughout the USA, to seek out the best health supplement companies. He began to import from both Source Naturals and Country Life, now two of the most successful companies in North America. He helped the CEO of Country Life, Harold Drexler, obtain many difficult to get DINS (Drug Identification Numbers). He still helps with Source Naturals exports into Canada today. Solgar, another successful U.S company also benefited from Jonn's consulting abilities.
In 1983, Jonn became the first person in Canada to import free-form amino acids. His first product was a combination of amino acid proteins, arginine, ornithine, and lycine, a precursor to growth hormone release from the pituitary gland, which helps the body to be trimmer and healthier. One of Jonn's specialties is the formulation of hormonal support products.
Jonn's company was first to import many nutraceuticles into Canada. These include Co-enzyme Q-10, a complete array of freeform amino acids including l-tryptophan, melatonin, chlorella, Klamath blue green algae, shark cartilage, fish oils, gamma oryzonal, octacosinol, greenlipped muzzle extract, jojoba oil etc.
Another mentor came from an unexpected source. Eginoff Bohm was head of the approval process for natural products for western Canada. He was very helpful. Jonn became an expert at achieving Canadian government approvals and came out with a full line of free form amino acid products from Japan. After approving and allowing the sale of these safe beneficial protein supplements, the Canadian government, without any warning, banned their sale in 1983, which was a business setback. Because there is no reason to ban such beneficial supplements they allowed their sale many years later. This was the beginning of the governments allowing, banning, allowing policy which made it difficult to be innovative and stay in business in Canada.
In 1984, after the restriction of amino acids, Jonn began to import homeopathy. The government banned the sale of most of these products about a year later. Homeopathy has always been allowed in Canada; however the government would not allow companies to make any claims or say what the products did, which made selling them impractical. Jonn met and worked with a prominent homeopathic formulator Gary Parker. Over the next few years, they discussed making more effective homeopathic natural medicines with unique ingredients such as amino acids and flower extracts that were not being used in homeopathic formulas anywhere in North America at the time. Jonn completed over thirty formulas in this category alone and obtained many government approvals for these products.
In the mid eighties, Jonn spent years refining his knowledge of sublingual absorption nutrients which included homeopathy, flower extracts and trace elements such as ayurvedic gold and silver. Dr. Tom Glu from Vancouver met with Jonn about a dozen times to father his knowledge about the best remedies in this interesting category of sublingual, fast absorption remedies. Jonn also worked with Dr. Ian White, a well known author form Australia who is a specialist in flower extracts. Both Jonn and Ian were asked to speak at the international conference on vibration medicine in Victoria, B.C., Canada with Dr. Gerber and molecular medicine experts from around the world. Although it was very difficult, Jonn did obtain Canadian drug identification numbers (DIN'S), on many of his formations such as thymus, adrenal and pituitary remedies.
During the same period Jonn completed 23 ayurvedic formulas during his studies with several world health experts. None of these remedies were approved by the Canadian government. However, Jonn uses the principles of ayurvedic balancing in all his formulas. Jonn imported ayurvedic triphala (a balancing cleansing herb), by the ton, from India to supply Planitary Formulas (a division of Source Naturals); Jonn studied with Dr. Trivedi, one of the world's finest avurvedic physicians who were trained in both modern medical science and the ancient art of ayurveda. Dr. Trivedi introduced Jonn to Dr. Ladd, a well known author and founder of a New Mexico ayurvedic clinic. In addition, Jonn spent a lot of time with Dr. Robert Svoboda who was the only Westerner, at that time, to complete the six-year study of ayurveda in India.
In 1985 Jonn's daughter Alyse was born. He raised both his children with a very healthy lifestyle.
There was no white sugar, white flour or TV in the house. They had goats milk and a little yogurt instead of regular cow's milk. His children went to bed early after Jonn spent time reading and praying with them. On weekends, Jonn would take them to parks to be in nature, twelve months of the year. He never bought them any soft drinks or fed them the cheap white sugar white flour cereals so popular today. At Halloween they were allowed three candies. When they came home from school they were fed healthy snacks such as fruit in season or apples and almond butter or tahini for calcium. He read them Bible stories at night and never allowed them to have any vaccinations. He paid the extra fees of a Montassori school and often had to drive them there.
Jonn gave his children probiotics, garlic and other supplements in their yogurt so that they would have strong immune systems and not get the unnecessary flues and colds that most children get. He took them to his favorite TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor as opposed to western medical doctors. Jonn's children rarely saw regular MD's and to this day turn to wellness solutions as opposed to drugs which Jonn believes are a main cause of declining health. Kryshan and Alyse follow their Dad's philosophy of going after your dreams with a balanced wellness lifestyle which includes emotional, mental and spiritual health. Jonn considers his children his best friends and would like to write a book on the subject. He is appalled at how children are being raised today.
In 1990, Jonn teamed up with several Canadian natural health experts, including one of his first clients Dr. Croft Woodruff, president of the Canadian Health Food Association. Together, with Jack Crisp (CHFA business director), and other industry leaders such as Bill Renolds, Jonn created a position paper representing the wellness industry for the federal government, about the different categories of natural medicines. Jonn also set up an industry meeting with the western director of Health Canada, Dennis Shelly, to discuss issues such as the banning of safe natural health supplements. Almost every supplement banned by the government, such as melatonin and germanium, were later allowed because there was no reason to ban them in the first place. Jonn lost half his business four times over these changing regulations but managed in each to overcome these setbacks.
In 1992 Jonn completed two tropical rainforest herbal tonics, for both men and women, with the well known Canadian herbalist and author, Dr Terry Willard.
Jonn has received many Canadian Drug Identification Numbers (DINS), and is an expert consultant in this area. As a result of his expertise, he was asked by Hal Drexller, the CEO of Country Life Vitamins in New York to obtain DINS for their products. He also set out to get DINS for his homeopathic products. He was very successful in obtaining many DIN approvals for both Country Life and his own formulas.
Many importers and distributors of fine natural products in Canada were fed up with the inconsistent, unnecessarily complex and constantly changing government regulations. Their hope was that the federal government would allow the claims published in internationally recognized reference books. This would lead to Canadian companies being allowed to sell products with reasonable claims, without the constant threat of the Canadian government stopping the sale of safe natural products. As a result of industry feedback, of which Jonn was very proactive, it was hoped that the political climate of the federal government towards natural medicines would improve. Today some claims are allowed, mainly on simple products. More creative products are very difficult to get approved.
In 1993 he was asked by the BC government to speak to speak to five hundred entrepreneurs on how to start a business and maintain its success. He since has developed and taught a three seminar series on how to achieve success in life. He would like to do more teaching and writing in this area of balanced success in life.
In 1994, Jonn co-chaired a task force for the regional Vancouver board. The goal was to produce a statistically correct report, based on an extensive survey of individuals, to determine their preferences for health care. He asked John Smith, MA who had extensive experience at the B.C. cancer agency to help , along with Dr. Jackson Chang any many others. Dr. Chang became Jonn's main mentor in Chinese medicine. With the help of over thirty volunteers, the health report was completed.
He continued his study about essential oils and aromatherapy in 1995 with Dr. Brian Miller and his wife Light Millar. He deepened his understanding of the effects of light and the power of belief systems with Dr. Jacob Lieberman, author of Light Medicine of the Future. In addition he studied biokinesiology expert practitioner Steve Ariss in order to improve his sublingual formulas.
Jonn has developed and taught a course on ayurveda and marriage and believes emotional health to be one of the four pillars of total wellness along with mental, and physical and spiritual health. He has learnt a lot from his own personal life. In 1995, Jonn's first wife, and mother of his two children, decided to pursue her interest of painting in her own live in art studio away from the family. This led to a separation and divorse in 1997. This happened when his son Kryshan was seventeen, and his daughter Alyse was twelve. From that time, Jonn raised the children without her. This led Jonn to deeply study relationships and the importance of emotional health on wellness. Jonn married Michelle Chen in 2005, and is now a grandfather, as his daughter Alyse has a son. Jonn's son Kryshan, is a successful director and film maker, and designed, filmed and produced Jonn's product DVD. Michelle helps with graphic design and printing and helps Jonn oversee the skin care manufacturing. Michelle and Jonn enjoy working closely together.
In 1996, Jonn spent an entire year formulating essential oil combinations with one of the top aromatherapists in the world, Sylla Sheppard Hangar of the Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy. Hangar is a world-class formulator who co-authored the Aromatherapy Practitioners Manual with Martin Watt from England, which is considered a desk reference for aromatherapists worldwide. Hangar enabled Jonn to finalize the formulas for an all-natural perfume line, as well as essential oil combinations. Sylla came to visit Jonn in Vancouver along with Martin Watt. These two world renowned essential oil experts greatly helped him perfect his aroma therapy blends, many of which he uses in his skin care treatments today.
In 1997, Jonn was asked by the BC government along with other industry leaders, such as Dr Ma, to help write a report on BC botanicals. The government paid for the expenses of Jonn and the other contributing experts to complete a botanical report.
In 1998, Jonn was asked to provide Dr David Wang and Carsten Hagen, with a formulation HGH (human growth hormone) /IGF) insulin growth hormone) sublingual homeopathic spray. Dr. Bori Shushan (PhD chemistry), helped with this exciting project. Jonn had previously obtained a DIN (drug identification number), for a homeopathic pituitary gland sublingual spray. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of HGH so Jonn was off to a good start. Jonn asked Dr Shushan, a specialist in mass spectrometer testing to help with this project. Dr. Shushan was chosen by SCIEX, a world leader in mass spectrometer testing, to work with a US FDA team to develop protocols, for testing the size and shape of the HGH molecule. With this experience, Dr Shushan was able to advise Jonn on the best direction to achieve the maximum results for his IGF/HGH sublingual spray. This was Jonn's second product that encourages the pituitary gland to produce healthy amounts of HGH (human growth hormone).
More assignments followed. In 1999 Michael Beresford of the Vancouver skin care distribution company Moor Spa, asked Jonn to formulate some spa products, including a facial cream, using Austrian moor mud. Jonn completed these spa products and then created a healing pain relief cream for a US mail-order company in Oregon called Blue Mountain Herbs. This all natural chemical free cream continues to him an enormous success, relieving the pain of many suffering people. Jonn began to distribute this cream in Canada, and later modified the ingredients to create a similarly effective facial cream. This face, skin and joint cream is now distributed to over two hundred pharmacies and health food stores in Washington, Oregon and Canada.
Jonn has been privileged to spend time with Dr. Tomas Barnard M.D., one of the few board certified anti-aging doctors in Canada. Dr. Barnard had heard of Jonn's work and asked to meet him in Italy to discuss formulations. As a result, they co-formulated a one a day tablet.
By 2000, Jonn had studied and tested the effects of high potency retinol (vitamin A) in facial care. His retinol formulations were based on Dr. Klingan's research from the University of Chicago. He then perfected a facial spa rejuvenating anti-aging cream and serum by combining retinol with Co Q-10, MSM (plant sulfur) and therapeutic grade aromatherapy. He also has created masks, body wraps and a plant mineral facial spray for the spa industry.
In 2001, Jonn worked with Hollywood's top skin care formulator Peter Lammas, who encouraged him to develop a serum with Alpha Lipoic Acid. Lammas was one of Jonn's most accomplished mentors. His stellar resume included beauty consultant work for such superstars as Sophia Loren, Grace Kelly and Barbara Walters; and the makeup teams for Victoria Secret and James Cameron's Titanic. Lammas was and still is an enormous fan of Jonn's work, praising his products above and beyond many of his other clients including Estee Lauder.
In 2002, Jonn began to study the use of organic plant extracts for their anti-fungal properties and their ability to reduce facial fine lines. He quickly realized a special blend of organic plant acids that he created play a key role in nature, to help regulate fungi, bacteria and viruses. By 2003, he was able to use this blend to preserve all his natural skin care products. At first, his interest in the blend of plant acids was focused on skin care to extend shelf life and help reduce wrinkles. However, it was not long before he realized that they had many other uses.
In 2003 he used this proprietary blend of plant acids to develop a series of internal products. These internal products included Detox Body Cleanse, a GI (Gastro Intestinal) cleanse to rid the body of excess negative aerobic bacteria. Based on his extensive study of aryuvedic and body balancing, his concept is to gently allow the intestinal tract to regain homeostasis without over-cleansing.
At this time, Jonn began his research into plant minerals for rejuvenation, and fulvic acid for cellular detox. Jonn recommends daily use of these products.
By 2004, Jonn completed a three-step flu kit, which included nasal spray (excellent for sinus relief), a throat spray (to help eliminate flu viruses), and stomach drops (very effective for food poisoning). This liquid organic plant acid combination has the ability to cleanse the G.I. tract, preventing illness, and even improving the health of animals.
Jonn further studied antibacterial and antifungal qualities of organic plant acids in 2007 with Dr. Ed Smith, an ex-NASA scientist. His lab has done testing for the FDA, EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the US army. In 2008, Dr. Smith made his lab available to Jonn to test this blend of organic plant acids (which he now called Beyond OPA) against oregano oil. The test results, which are available in both Jonn's product summary and product manual, indicate that Beyond OPA is three times more effective than Oregano oil in killing bacteria and fungi.
In 2007, Jonn did some formulation work with the well known Canadian facial cosmetic specialist and trainer, Dr. Martin Braun, who specializes in facial cosmetic treatments. Jonn had already been working with two hormonal specialists, Dr. Rob Mclintock and Dr. Allison Novens. Novens and Jonn had already collaborated on a hormonal cream for ladies using estriol, so it was natural for Jonn to develop an E 3 (Estriol) cream and serum for Dr. Braun's successful Vancouver practice. In fact Dr. Braun's practice is the most successful of its kind for Botox treatments in Canada. Braun's clients loved the products Jonn developed for him. In July of that year Dr. Braun invited Jonn to attend the World Congress Esthetics Medicine 2009.
Jonn's journey to become a wellness expert has been a long and satisfying one. Jonn has achieved many of his dreams: meeting with world health experts, creating many successful products and formulas; and raising a family that is achieving their own entrepreneurial successes. Jonn's Christian philosophy is that God has a plan for all of us, and we do not need to live a life of fear. By obeying ancient and modern wellness principles, we are can live a healthy life and fulfil our dreams.
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Beyond H2O: World Tradition Taekwondo Union Event - Cloverdale Agriplex
Taekwondo is an exciting and powerful martial art known for it's dynamic kicking and hand techniques. Although these martial art techniques are centuries old, their programs are always evolving to keep pace with the changing world.
Beyond H2O bottled water was proud to be a part of this exciting tournament.
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How Safe Is Your Bottled Water? (Beyond H2O)
The Food and Drug Administration has little authority to regulate bottled brands, according to a U.S. Congressional report released recently. While municipal water utilities are required to provide public reports of test results, bottled-water makers are not. (On the other hand, well water, which is found in many rural areas, isn't regulated as water provided by towns and cities is.) So although you may fork over a pretty penny for bottled water, that doesn't mean it's any better than what's coming out of your faucet. In fact, it could be worse and you'd never know it. The new research is backed by a second report from the Environmental Working Group.
The nonprofit advocacy organization surveyed the labels and web sites of nearly 200 popular bottled-water brands and found that less than 2 percent disclosed three important facts that can affect safety: the water's source, purification methods, and chemical pollutants in each bottle.
Beyond H2O is different and is delivering water the way it should be - pure and refreshing - while disclosing its source, purification process, and the pollutants it DOES NOT have in it.
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Beyond H2O: Incredible Facts About Drinking Water
-- Mother Earth News
"Drinks containing concentrated nutrients, such as milk, sugar-sweetened soft drinks, and salty tomato-based juices, count more as food than drink since they themselves increase your body's water needs."
"A reduction of 4-5% in body water will result in a decline of 20-30% in work performance."
"An athlete commonly loses four or five quarts (of water) in a practice session."
The connection between chlorinated tap water and serious health problems such as cancer and heart disease may be clearer than advertised. Read this important article on "Chlorine and Cancer."
Beyond H2O & The 401K Tragedy: Finally, An Answer To Bouncing Back and Making Ends Meet
Beyond H2O - Inorganic Minerals In Water Explained
The main reason minerals in water are insignificant is because they're mostly inorganic, which the body cannot easily utilize. However, the body much easier utilizes minerals in food because they're in a bio-available (organic) state.
Dr. Charles Mayo of the world-renowned Mayo Clinic said, "The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals. All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be eliminated."
In other words, the only thing that belongs in your water is water.
Dehydration, by definition, means "excessive loss of water." If you eat the right diet, you'll get most, if not all, the minerals you need from food.
Furthermore, we believe our bodies may gain additional benefits from utilizing an ultra-purified water like Beyond H2O which has be re-mineralized with trace amounts of organic minerals.
Drink Beyond H2O Bottled Water and Help Make a Difference
Each day, many millions of people in developing countries must walk long distances to get the water they need for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Often, this water is contaminated., co-founded by Matt Damon and Gary White, helps people in developing countries obtain safe drinking water and basic sanitation (toilets). Working in partnership with those in need, has transformed hundreds of communities in eight countries - Bangladesh, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Guatemala, India, Kenya, and the Philippines - with access to a safe, reliable source of water and basic sanitation.
Beyond H2O Video: You Are What You Eat & Drink
Beyond H2O Tip: Dehydration, Is It Happening To You?
Monitor your urine to make sure you are not dehydrated:
A hydrated body produces clear, colorless urine.
A somewhat dehydrated body produces yellow urine.
A severely dehydrated body produces orange or dark-colored urine.
The effects of even mild dehydration include decreased coordination, fatigue, dry skin, decreased urine output, dry mucous membranes in the mouth and nose, blood pressure changes and impairment of judgment. Stress, headache, back pain, allergies, asthma, high blood pressure and many degenerative health problems are the result of UCD (Unintentional Chronic Dehydration).
Beyond H2O delivers up to 4x faster hydration than other water helping your body maintain proper balance. Is it the right choice for you? You decide.
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Langley Good Times Cruise In 2009 & Beyond H2O
Cure Migraine Headaches With Water? Beyond H20 Tip
Start a Beyond H2O Home Business: 9 Reasons Its Worth The Risk
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Beyond H20: Water Can Prevent and Help Heal Heartburn
Heartburn is a signal of water shortage in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a major thirst signal of the human body. The use of antacids or tablet medications in the treatment of this pain does not correct dehydration, and the body continues to suffer as a result of its water shortage.
Not recognizing heartburn as a sign of dehydration and treating it with antacids and pill medications will, in time, produce inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, hiatal hernia, ulceration, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas.
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Beyond H2O: Learn About Prevention and Healing By Drinking Water
An increased intake of healthy water will greatly enhance digestion, nutrient absorption, skin hydration, detoxification and virtually every aspect of better health!
So many common ailments and illnesses can be prevented and greatly reduced by an increased intake of healthy water. Headaches, hypertension, back pain, arthritis, ulcers, asthma, morning sickness, fatigue and metabolism can all benefit (and in many cases be prevented) by regulating the body's natural fluid levels.
Recently there has been a dramatic change in medical theory and a long overdue realization about wellness.
The best way to prevent, help, overcome and, in many cases, eliminate illness is to give the body the right tools and let it go to work. With the proper intake of healthy water, and the right minerals and nutrients, the body can overcome many challenges.
The human body is an amazing healing machine, with bad cells being replaced by good ones millions of times per second!
Constant regeneration of skin, bones, hair, nails, damaged nerves, organ linings, and virtually every healing process that happens in the body happens with water.
Hundreds of recent studies have confirmed that many of the medications our society has become dependent on, primarily antibiotics and analgesics , often do much more harm than good. Antibiotics can be extremely damaging to the liver and have an adverse effect on the immune system. The more frequently we turn to synthetic medicines to overcome infections, the weaker our natural defenses become and the more likely we are to have repeated incidences of infection.
An increased intake of water and the proper immune-enhancing nutrients, combined with a little patience and common sense, are by far the best defense against most minor infections. Allowing the body to overcome minor infections with fever, fluids, nutrition and rest increases natural resistance and makes us less susceptible to biological intruders in the future. Truly the best offense is to maintain a good defense.
Pain medications also work contrary to the way the body naturally heals itself. In a very informative book called "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" (very highly recommended), studies by medical experts explain how many of the pain sensations we experience are initially the result of moderate or acute dehydration.
Headaches - The brain is more than 75% water and when it detects a shortage of available fluids it implements a water-rationing process by producing histamines, causing pain and fatigue. This natural process is meant to slow us down and conserve water for defense uses (just as an animal lies in the shade when ill). Histamines are released as a warning signal that something is wrong. When we take antihistamines or analgesic medicines like acetaminophen or ibuprofen we mainly turn off the signal and do little or nothing for the problem. A big glass of pure water and a 20 minute decompression break will overcome most common stress-related headaches. (It takes medications longer to work than that!)
Back pain is often the result of a deficiency in body fluid levels. The discs in the back are really little hydraulic shock absorbers. These discs are made up of an outer shell of flexible joint tissue filled with fluid pockets, primarily water. A properly hydrated disk creates a cushion that absorbs the normal shock of physical activity and supports the weight of the upper body. These discs are self-hydrating as long as there are adequate fluid levels and regular movement. Movement that compresses and releases pressure on the disc creates a suction that allows body fluids (99% water) to be pulled inside the disc, keeping it properly hydrated. When a disc is fully hydrated, the shell of the disc supports 25% of the weight load and the fluid supports 75%. When these discs become dehydrated, the shell has to support a larger portion of the load, causing pain, swelling and soreness which can lead to more serious problems, also more permanent ones.
Passive activities like standing in one place or sitting at a desk without regular movement for prolonged periods, allow constant pressure on the discs which slowly forces the fluid out. Without sufficient body fluid levels and spine movement, the pressure on the discs increases thus resulting in pain and stiffness. Simply by maintaining a constant and adequate intake of water, as well as regular movement such as bending forward, backwards and side to side movements, with your head and upper body allowing the discs to hydrate, you can prevent most minor back and neck pain. Try it; you'll be amazed how easy and effective these natural solutions can be.
Hypertension is very often a result of the body's adjusting to blood-volume loss. The most common cause of lower blood volume is dehydration. Since blood is more than 83% water, its total volume is heavily affected by water intake. When the body detects a loss of blood volume, it closes off less active capillary beds in order to maintain proper blood flow to the more active areas. These vessel closings cause a rise in tension throughout the circulatory system, which is known as "hypertension." More water allows proper blood volume and a lower level of circulatory tension.
Arthritis pain and stiffness are now understood to be initially a result of increased friction and swelling in the bone joints. Water is what the body uses to lubricate the pliable joint cartilage. When the water level is reduced, there is increased friction between the cartilage surfaces, resulting in swelling, stiffness and pain. Movement of the joints causes a suction that pulls water from the bone marrow into the joint cavity if there is proper hydration. Increased intake of water and gentle rhythmic movements of the joints can ease and, in many cases, overcome minor arthritic pain and swelling. A more detailed explanation of this natural process can be found in "The Body's Many Cries for Water" and a recent publication by three very highly respected medical doctors called "The Water We Drink."
Asthma, which affects over 12 million children in North America alone and causes the deaths of several thousand each year, is a direct result of increased histamine production. Dehydration initiates exaggerated histamine production as a water-regulating control. It is well known that asthmatics have excessive levels of histamines in their lung tissue, causing constriction of the bronchial passages and increased mucus build-up. Water is used in the lungs to keep the tissues moist, but each time we exhale, we expel moisture from our lungs. Under normal hydrated conditions, the moisture is rapidly replaced. If we are in a dehydrated state, the tissues inside the lungs begin to get coated with mucus to prevent drying. It has been demonstrated in many animal studies that increased water intake will reduce histamine levels and, over a two to three week period, restore normal hydration to lung tissue and reduce mucus build up. Once this occurs, the bronchial passages begin to open and normal breathing is restored. The same histamine related effects apply to allergies, and again, significant benefits can be seen with an increased intake of healthy water and increased movement.
Morning sickness, something thought of as normal, is a direct result of dehydration. The fetus lives in a world of water, which the body naturally prioritizes above all other needs. Throughout the night, which is the longest period without water intake, the uterus draws water from the mother's system to maintain its fluid levels and that of the fetus. In the morning the mother awakens in a state of dehydration, histamine nausea and fatigue. Hence the term "morning sickness", more appropriately "morning dehydration."
A common hang-over produces the same symptoms and has essentially the same cause, (dehydration), as morning sickness... only with a less noble purpose. Alcohol is a very strong diuretic that causes the body to excrete water, often leading to advanced dehydration. Both morning sickness and the common hang-over can be prevented by drinking plenty of water before going to bed and throughout the night.
While water is certainly not an absolute cure-all, we must recognize it as the primary ingredient to every preventive and healing process inside the body. The body is truly a magnificent creation capable of preventing and curing even the worst disease and illness.
Understanding how the body works is the first step toward achieving optimum health. It's easy to grasp if you just remember that we are more than 70% water!
Once we gain this simple understanding, our actions will usually begin to work in better harmony with our body's natural instincts, ideally creating the perfect internal environment.
For more information, visit our website below:
Beyond H20 and FemSport - Women's All Strength and Fitness Challenge In Yaletown, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Beyond H2O - What You Didn't Know About Bottled Water
Sales and consumption of bottled water have skyrocketed in recent years. From 1988 to 2002, the sales of bottled water globally have more than quadrupled to over 131 million cubic meters annually. Bottled water sales worldwide are increasing at 10 percent per year, while the volume of fruit drinks consumed is growing less than 2% annually and beer and soft drink sales are growing at less than 1% per year. More than 50% of Americans drink bottled water occasionally or as their major source of drinking water.
EPA Warning: Drugs Found In Drinking Water (Beyond H20)
A Shocking Realization!
As if we didn't have enough worries about the quality of our drinking water, we now find that antibiotics, growth hormones and other many prescription drugs are being detected in our public and private water systems.
It's not a very pleasant thought, but on the average... about 10% of the water we drink has been used before.
The same amount of water that exists on this planet today... existed millions of years ago... to the drop! There is no such thing as new water. Our planet continuously recycles and re-uses this finite supply of water. Only recently have we learned how fragile and finite our water resources really are. We are finding traces of compounds in our water that no one ever thought to look for before. We have finally realized that any chemical used in our society will eventually wind up in our drinking water
While the current focus by the media on tap water problems has raised long overdue concerns, it is not a new issue. In 1999, a 17-year-old West Virginia high school student, Ashley Mulroy, read a report in a science magazine describing how European scientists had recently discovered that "drugs of all kinds, including antibiotics, were flowing in rivers, streams, ground water and even in tap water" and decided to embark on a science project of her own. Over a ten-week period Ashley and her mother drove for miles along the Ohio River taking samples of the water from different sites. She then returned to her hometown and had the samples tested for three common antibiotics: penicillin, tetracycline and vancomycin... to her surprise she found traces of all three in each of the samples she had taken. Ashley then sampled tap water in three near by towns. All three, including water from the drinking fountain at her school, were contaminated with the antibiotics in question. Ashley was awarded several science project awards and more importantly opened the eyes of many U.S. scientists.
Researchers from the U.S. EPA and the National Geological Survey have now found traces of antibiotics, birth control drugs, anti-depressants and even caffeine in many water samples taken across the country. Large animal farming operations and wastewater treatment plants release billions of gallons of contaminated wastewater into our environment every day. A large percentage of the drugs that are given to humans and animals pass through the body and wind up in tour recycled wastewater and then going to our drinking water.
As early as 2000, USA Today, in a news release, stated that "experts fear that even low levels of antibiotics fouling the nations water supply may help create super-bugs: micro organisms that have evolved to survive an antibiotic's lethal assault." And that these super-bugs may be causing 'tens of thousands' of deaths each year in the U.S.A., according to Abigail Salyers, an expert on antibiotic resistance at the University of Illinois.
Christian Daughton, a Chief of Environmental Chemistry for the E.P.A., warns that "Water pollution by drugs is a newly emerging issue." The reality is that there is little information on the long term effects of consuming low levels of antibiotics and growth hormones, but everyone agrees that this is not good.
Our public water treatment plants are not designed to remove drugs and other synthetic chemicals from our water. Without waiting for the final verdict on the actual effects of drinking a mixture of drugs and other chemicals; we can assume our tap water is contaminated with trace amounts of drugs.
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How Much Water Should You Drink? Get The Truth Here: Beyond H2O Bottled Water Facts
Your body requires at least 2 quarts of water a day. It must be pure and plain water, not caffeine-containing drinks or alcoholic beverages that just further the dehydration of your body.
Beyond H2O - 7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs Water Every Day
- Water increases the efficiency of the red blood cells in collecting oxygen in the lungs.
- Water is used for the transport of all substances in the body.
- Water is the main solvent for all foods, vitamins, and minerals.
- Water is the bonding adhesive in the architectural design of the cell structure.
- Water generates electrical and magnetic energy inside each and every cell of the body.
- Water shortage kills some aspects of the body.
- Without water nothing lives.
The Blue Death - Dr Robert Morris & Beyond H2O
How "The Blue Death" Book Came About...
In the fall of 2000, a student approached me with a question as I was packing my bags after a lecture at Harvard School of Public Health. My lectures on drinking water and health each spring and fall had become something of a tradition for me. This was my primary area of research and I had published several controversial papers on the subject. I felt it essential that recent science such as studies of chlorine and cancer be placed in its historical context and had used the lectures as an excuse to explore the history of water and health, digging a bit deeper each time. This particular student had been intrigued by the story that emerged and had asked innocently enough if there was a book he could read that told that story in greater detail. “This is really important stuff,” he observed.
I had spent almost twenty years working, studying and conducting research in environmental sciences and public health and had come to realize that explaining what we know about public health to a general public is at least as important as advancing the frontiers of knowledge. Toward that end, I had started in on several different writing projects, but had yet to find just the right topic. As I drove home from that lecture, the voices of every writing teacher I had ever had echoed in my head. Write what you know. This student had just handed me the topic for my first book. As anyone in publishing knows, however, the road to publication is littered with unfinished books.
The other force that started this book in motion came from a pair of one-year-old twins who were waiting for me at home while that student asked his provocative question. My wife, Astrid, had just joined the faculty in radiation oncology at Harvard Medical School and the stress and strain of managing two demanding careers in academic medicine while raising twin infants was proving untenable. The need for a change became more clear with each passing day so, the following spring, we made the decision that she would look for a career in private practice and I would try to establish myself as a writer. This would ensure that one of us would have a flexible schedule and could take care of issues that arose with the twins.
So, in the winter of 2002, I resigned my position in academia and that spring we moved to Spokane, Washington. I spent much of that summer in stark terror as I digested what it meant to step off into space as I had just done and how every day I spent trying to become a writer would make it more difficult to return to academia. I was still an adjunct faculty member at Tufts Medical School, but climbing back in the saddle would be no simple task. I had spent some 30 years in school to earn an MD and a PhD and now had no job, no book contract, no publisher, and no agent. When people asked me what I did, I wasn’t even sure how to answer. It didn’t feel right to call myself a writer even though I was spending every spare moment trying to put together a book proposal.
In the fall of 2002, I got my first glimmer of hope when Nat Sobel read my proposal and agreed to represent me. About a month later, fate took action. Astrid was pregnant again. With twins.
Knowing that my time was about to become drastically limited, I struggled to complete my proposal as quickly as circumstances would allow. I sent what I had hoped were the final pieces of the proposal off to Nat just before Sage and Skyler were born in July of 2003. Nat responded that he wanted one more chapter.
I wrote much of that chapter lying in a king bed next to two babies while I waited for one or the other to wake up screaming for something. To make matters worse, Sage had been born with an enlarged heart and required special care, medication three times a day and regular trips to the cardiologist. Then, late in the fall of 2003, Nat called to tell me that Dan Conaway at Harper Collins was interested in the book. I had just a few months to enjoy the good news and to start working with Dan when disaster struck.
In the spring of 2004, one day after Easter, Sage was diagnosed with leukemia. The oncologist gave him a 50% chance of living and our only hope of saving him was a devastating course of chemotherapy. In other words, Sage and a parent would be spending most of the next year in the hospital and, if we were lucky and the drugs and the leukemia didn’t kill him, he might be alive at the end of the year.
As if this were not enough, we had just made a decision to move to Seattle. In other words, we now faced caring for twin infants, one of whom was gravely ill, selling our house, finding a house, and moving, not to mention caring for two five year olds. Oh and by the way, I had a book to write.
Well, we moved, the children settled into kindergarten and Sage soldiered through chemotherapy, almost dying twice. Much of the book was written late at night in the oncology ward as I waited for him to vomit again or for his heart monitor to sound one of its many alarms, or the nurse to come and give him more poison. The rest was written in stolen moments while the children were asleep or under someone else’s care.
So, you hold in your hand, some five years of blood, sweat and tears. I have staked my reputation and my career on every word.