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Cure Migraine Headaches With Water? Beyond H20 Tip

Migraine headache is a sign of water need by the brain and the eyes. It will totally clear up if dehydration is prevented from establishing in the body. The type of dehydration that causes migraine might eventually cause inflammation of the back of the eye and possibly loss of eye sight.

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Start a Beyond H2O Home Business: 9 Reasons Its Worth The Risk

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Beyond H20: Water Can Prevent and Help Heal Heartburn

Heartburn is a signal of water shortage in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a major thirst signal of the human body. The use of antacids or tablet medications in the treatment of this pain does not correct dehydration, and the body continues to suffer as a result of its water shortage.

Not recognizing heartburn as a sign of dehydration and treating it with antacids and pill medications will, in time, produce inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, hiatal hernia, ulceration, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas.

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Beyond H2O: Learn About Prevention and Healing By Drinking Water

An increased intake of healthy water will greatly enhance digestion, nutrient absorption, skin hydration, detoxification and virtually every aspect of better health!

So many common ailments and illnesses can be prevented and greatly reduced by an increased intake of healthy water. Headaches, hypertension, back pain, arthritis, ulcers, asthma, morning sickness, fatigue and metabolism can all benefit (and in many cases be prevented) by regulating the body's natural fluid levels.

Recently there has been a dramatic change in medical theory and a long overdue realization about wellness. 

The best way to prevent, help, overcome and, in many cases, eliminate illness is to give the body the right tools and let it go to work. With the proper intake of healthy water, and the right minerals and nutrients, the body can overcome many challenges.

The human body is an amazing healing machine, with bad cells being replaced by good ones millions of times per second!

Constant regeneration of skin, bones, hair, nails, damaged nerves, organ linings, and virtually every healing process that happens in the body happens with water.

Hundreds of recent studies have confirmed that many of the medications our society has become dependent on, primarily antibiotics and analgesics , often do much more harm than good. Antibiotics can be extremely damaging to the liver and have an adverse effect on the immune system. The more frequently we turn to synthetic medicines to overcome infections, the weaker our natural defenses become and the more likely we are to have repeated incidences of infection.

An increased intake of water and the proper immune-enhancing nutrients, combined with a little patience and common sense, are by far the best defense against most minor infections. Allowing the body to overcome minor infections with fever, fluids, nutrition and rest increases natural resistance and makes us less susceptible to biological intruders in the future. Truly the best offense is to maintain a good defense.

Pain medications also work contrary to the way the body naturally heals itself. In a very informative book called "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" (very highly recommended), studies by medical experts explain how many of the pain sensations we experience are initially the result of moderate or acute dehydration.

Headaches - The brain is more than 75% water and when it detects a shortage of available fluids it implements a water-rationing process by producing histamines, causing pain and fatigue. This natural process is meant to slow us down and conserve water for defense uses (just as an animal lies in the shade when ill). Histamines are released as a warning signal that something is wrong. When we take antihistamines or analgesic medicines like acetaminophen or ibuprofen we mainly turn off the signal and do little or nothing for the problem. A big glass of pure water and a 20 minute decompression break will overcome most common stress-related headaches. (It takes medications longer to work than that!)

Back pain is often the result of a deficiency in body fluid levels. The discs in the back are really little hydraulic shock absorbers. These discs are made up of an outer shell of flexible joint tissue filled with fluid pockets, primarily water. A properly hydrated disk creates a cushion that absorbs the normal shock of physical activity and supports the weight of the upper body. These discs are self-hydrating as long as there are adequate fluid levels and regular movement. Movement that compresses and releases pressure on the disc creates a suction that allows body fluids (99% water) to be pulled inside the disc, keeping it properly hydrated. When a disc is fully hydrated, the shell of the disc supports 25% of the weight load and the fluid supports 75%. When these discs become dehydrated, the shell has to support a larger portion of the load, causing pain, swelling and soreness which can lead to more serious problems, also more permanent ones.

Passive activities like standing in one place or sitting at a desk without regular movement for prolonged periods, allow constant pressure on the discs which slowly forces the fluid out. Without sufficient body fluid levels and spine movement, the pressure on the discs increases thus resulting in pain and stiffness. Simply by maintaining a constant and adequate intake of water, as well as regular movement such as bending forward, backwards and side to side movements, with your head and upper body allowing the discs to hydrate, you can prevent most minor back and neck pain. Try it; you'll be amazed how easy and effective these natural solutions can be.

Hypertension is very often a result of the body's adjusting to blood-volume loss. The most common cause of lower blood volume is dehydration. Since blood is more than 83% water, its total volume is heavily affected by water intake. When the body detects a loss of blood volume, it closes off less active capillary beds in order to maintain proper blood flow to the more active areas. These vessel closings cause a rise in tension throughout the circulatory system, which is known as "hypertension." More water allows proper blood volume and a lower level of circulatory tension.

Arthritis pain and stiffness are now understood to be initially a result of increased friction and swelling in the bone joints. Water is what the body uses to lubricate the pliable joint cartilage. When the water level is reduced, there is increased friction between the cartilage surfaces, resulting in swelling, stiffness and pain. Movement of the joints causes a suction that pulls water from the bone marrow into the joint cavity if there is proper hydration. Increased intake of water and gentle rhythmic movements of the joints can ease and, in many cases, overcome minor arthritic pain and swelling. A more detailed explanation of this natural process can be found in "The Body's Many Cries for Water" and a recent publication by three very highly respected medical doctors called "The Water We Drink."

Asthma, which affects over 12 million children in North America alone and causes the deaths of several thousand each year, is a direct result of increased histamine production. Dehydration initiates exaggerated histamine production as a water-regulating control. It is well known that asthmatics have excessive levels of histamines in their lung tissue, causing constriction of the bronchial passages and increased mucus build-up. Water is used in the lungs to keep the tissues moist, but each time we exhale, we expel moisture from our lungs. Under normal hydrated conditions, the moisture is rapidly replaced. If we are in a dehydrated state, the tissues inside the lungs begin to get coated with mucus to prevent drying. It has been demonstrated in many animal studies that increased water intake will reduce histamine levels and, over a two to three week period, restore normal hydration to lung tissue and reduce mucus build up. Once this occurs, the bronchial passages begin to open and normal breathing is restored. The same histamine related effects apply to allergies, and again, significant benefits can be seen with an increased intake of healthy water and increased movement.

Morning sickness, something thought of as normal, is a direct result of dehydration. The fetus lives in a world of water, which the body naturally prioritizes above all other needs. Throughout the night, which is the longest period without water intake, the uterus draws water from the mother's system to maintain its fluid levels and that of the fetus. In the morning the mother awakens in a state of dehydration, histamine nausea and fatigue. Hence the term "morning sickness", more appropriately "morning dehydration."

A common hang-over produces the same symptoms and has essentially the same cause, (dehydration), as morning sickness... only with a less noble purpose. Alcohol is a very strong diuretic that causes the body to excrete water, often leading to advanced dehydration. Both morning sickness and the common hang-over can be prevented by drinking plenty of water before going to bed and throughout the night.

While water is certainly not an absolute cure-all, we must recognize it as the primary ingredient to every preventive and healing process inside the body. The body is truly a magnificent creation capable of preventing and curing even the worst disease and illness.

Understanding how the body works is the first step toward achieving optimum health. It's easy to grasp if you just remember that we are more than 70% water!

Once we gain this simple understanding, our actions will usually begin to work in better harmony with our body's natural instincts, ideally creating the perfect internal environment.

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Beyond H20 and FemSport - Women's All Strength and Fitness Challenge In Yaletown, Vancouver, BC, Canada


The categories vary each year and include such challenges as Biceps Curls, Kettlebell Lift, Box Jumps , Obstacle Course, Tire Pull and Tug-of-War.

Beyond H20 was thrilled to be one of the sponsors for such a spectacular event. The athletes and FemSport staff got to drink our water during the day. "Your water is so good!", said event coordinator Nancy Lockington.

Each year FEMSPORT provides a competitive but fun environment and is constantly improving this event to accommodate athletes of all types. In 2005 they introduced their first year as a “drug tested” event. This ensures a fair and level playing field for all competitors and brings an excellent reputation to all who participate.

Their goal is to provide an event which the public can enjoy along with their athletes by presenting FEMSPORT at an easily accessible venue in the Vancouver area. Their venue locations help to enhance awareness of the natural fitness industry and their local charity, “Patty’s Ladybug Cancer Fund”, to the general public in a fun and refreshing environment.

In 2007 they participated in a documentary for Global Television which profiled one of their talented athletes, Carole Paterson, preparing for and competing in their February 2007 event. They continue to expand their audience both locally and abroad from this opportunity.

Since FEMSPORT is an open viewing event (FREE admission) there is a generous flow of participating spectators. Athletes are eager to share their accomplishments to a grand audience of fellow competitors, family, friends and their community.

This is a very exciting event, and they can never say thank you enough for those agreeing to participate. Everyone has a great time and one of the greater goals is that other young women (and men, too) will be inspired to get into healthy, athletic training, because there’s everything beautiful about muscle and strength.

Thank you many times over from all of us here at Beyond H2O for the opportunity to be a sponsor for such a special event as FEMSPORT.

See you at the NEXT show!

Beyond H2O - What You Didn't Know About Bottled Water

Bottled water has become one of the largest industries in the world. The public is concerned about tap water safety and quality, and, with much encouragement from the bottled water industry's aggressive marketing, views bottled water as a purer, safer option. 

Sales and consumption of bottled water have skyrocketed in recent years. From 1988 to 2002, the sales of bottled water globally have more than quadrupled to over 131 million cubic meters annually. Bottled water sales worldwide are increasing at 10 percent per year, while the volume of fruit drinks consumed is growing less than 2% annually and beer and soft drink sales are growing at less than 1% per year. More than 50% of Americans drink bottled water occasionally or as their major source of drinking water.

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Recycle Beyond H2O

Drink It. Share It. Recycle It.

Beyond H20

EPA Warning: Drugs Found In Drinking Water (Beyond H20)

A Shocking Realization!

As if we didn't have enough worries about the quality of our drinking water, we now find that antibiotics, growth hormones and other many prescription drugs are being detected in our public and private water systems.

It's not a very pleasant thought, but on the average... about 10% of the water we drink has been used before.

The same amount of water that exists on this planet today... existed millions of years ago... to the drop! There is no such thing as new water. Our planet continuously recycles and re-uses this finite supply of water. Only recently have we learned how fragile and finite our water resources really are. We are finding traces of compounds in our water that no one ever thought to look for before. We have finally realized that any chemical used in our society will eventually wind up in our drinking water

While the current focus by the media on tap water problems has raised long overdue concerns, it is not a new issue. In 1999, a 17-year-old West Virginia high school student, Ashley Mulroy, read a report in a science magazine describing how European scientists had recently discovered that "drugs of all kinds, including antibiotics, were flowing in rivers, streams, ground water and even in tap water" and decided to embark on a science project of her own. Over a ten-week period Ashley and her mother drove for miles along the Ohio River taking samples of the water from different sites. She then returned to her hometown and had the samples tested for three common antibiotics: penicillin, tetracycline and vancomycin... to her surprise she found traces of all three in each of the samples she had taken. Ashley then sampled tap water in three near by towns. All three, including water from the drinking fountain at her school, were contaminated with the antibiotics in question. Ashley was awarded several science project awards and more importantly opened the eyes of many U.S. scientists.

Researchers from the U.S. EPA and the National Geological Survey have now found traces of antibiotics, birth control drugs, anti-depressants and even caffeine in many water samples taken across the country. Large animal farming operations and wastewater treatment plants release billions of gallons of contaminated wastewater into our environment every day. A large percentage of the drugs that are given to humans and animals pass through the body and wind up in tour recycled wastewater and then going to our drinking water.

As early as 2000, USA Today, in a news release, stated that "experts fear that even low levels of antibiotics fouling the nations water supply may help create super-bugs: micro organisms that have evolved to survive an antibiotic's lethal assault." And that these super-bugs may be causing 'tens of thousands' of deaths each year in the U.S.A., according to Abigail Salyers, an expert on antibiotic resistance at the University of Illinois.

Christian Daughton, a Chief of Environmental Chemistry for the E.P.A., warns that "Water pollution by drugs is a newly emerging issue." The reality is that there is little information on the long term effects of consuming low levels of antibiotics and growth hormones, but everyone agrees that this is not good.

Our public water treatment plants are not designed to remove drugs and other synthetic chemicals from our water. Without waiting for the final verdict on the actual effects of drinking a mixture of drugs and other chemicals; we can assume our tap water is contaminated with trace amounts of drugs.

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