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2010 could be your best year yet. Beyond Yours is LAUNCHED!! JOIN NOW FOR FREE.


Beyond H2O: Incredible Facts About Drinking Water

Here are some incredible quotes from reputable sources regarding drinking water facts and fiction...

"Because most food contains a large amount of water, you obtain approximately 3 1/2 cups from what is eaten over the course of a day. Interestingly, the body's metabolism itself is another source, since -- as it makes and uses energy -- one of its daily byproducts is about 1/2 cup of water. So, if you add up your losses (two cups for the lungs, two for sweating, and six for the intestines and kidneys), you come up with a total loss of ten cups ... not counting any excess lost through perspiration during exercise. Therefore, taking into account the approximately four cups provided by food and metabolism, the average person needs to drink six to eight cups of water daily just to keep functioning well."

-- Mother Earth News

"Drinks containing concentrated nutrients, such as milk, sugar-sweetened soft drinks, and salty tomato-based juices, count more as food than drink since they themselves increase your body's water needs." 

-- N.Y. Times Guide to Personal Health

"A reduction of 4-5% in body water will result in a decline of 20-30% in work performance." 

-- N.Y. Times Guide to Personal Health

"An athlete commonly loses four or five quarts (of water) in a practice session." 

-- "Realities of Nutrition"

The connection between chlorinated tap water and serious health problems such as cancer and heart disease may be clearer than advertised. Read this important article on "Chlorine and Cancer." 

Brought to you by Team Beyond H2O


Beyond H2O & The 401K Tragedy: Finally, An Answer To Bouncing Back and Making Ends Meet

With the failure of the 401K still rolling out throughout the US
there is still hope to make ends meet.

There is no time in history when more people are open to 
starting a home based business. Something that will help
them create a part-time income to help them "bounce back".

The Beyond H2O Home Business Opportunity is just one of many
opportunities that you should consider.

If it feels right to you, contact us today to learn how you can
create additional income starting at just $45.

Beyond H2O
Drink It. Share It. Recycle It.
Toll Free: 1-866-688-6672


Beyond H2O - Inorganic Minerals In Water Explained

Many mistakenly believe drinking spring or mineral water provides a good source for minerals. However, according to the American Medical Journal, "The minerals which the human body needs that are in the water are insignificant to those in food ... and anyone simply eating a varied diet, not even a balanced diet, could hardly suffer a mineral deficiency."

The main reason minerals in water are insignificant is because they're mostly inorganic, which the body cannot easily utilize. However, the body much easier utilizes minerals in food because they're in a bio-available (organic) state.

Dr. Charles Mayo of the world-renowned Mayo Clinic said, "The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals. All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be eliminated."

In other words, the only thing that belongs in your water is water.

Dehydration, by definition, means "excessive loss of water." If you eat the right diet, you'll get most, if not all, the minerals you need from food.

Furthermore, we believe our bodies may gain additional benefits from utilizing an ultra-purified water like Beyond H2O which has be re-mineralized with trace amounts of organic minerals.

For more info visit our website today: